Happy New Year! But how are you feeling now that the circus has left town? Perhaps you’re done with the “same old” and know in your heart you need to do something(s) differently. So let’s explore why change is good for you.

But first, be preapred for some resistance. Change takes effort, Commitment. Discipline. Your mind will tell you things like “it’s not so bad the way it is” or “you might fail” or “what if it doesn’t work out?” That’s the fear of the unknown talking, taking you into doubt, into questioning yourself. These are excuses to stay put.

So get past the barriers in your head and listen to your heart. Your heart always knows and tells the truth. Ask it: what needs to change? It can be something practical like your job or moving house. Perhaps it’s physical – your body is calling out for care and attention. Maybe it’s an emotional shift, like addressing issues in a family/partner relationship. A mental change such as your attitude moving from negative to positive. Or a spiritual vacuum needs filling.

As you can see, there are many layers you can feel in and review. Make a note of what’s working and what isn’t. Ultimately, the reason why change is good for you is that it makes you grow. In the challenge comes learning. In the learning comes self-discovery. And in the self-discovery you find the connection with your authentic True Self. Which must be a good thing, right?

If it’s new year resolutions you’re struggling with, then try this: only put on the list the things that will genuinely bring you heartfelt and absolute joy. That when you think about doing them, you can’t wait to get started. You can imagine already how great it will feel to achieve them.

Life truth: do nothing and nothing happens. You’re not going anywhere. But that is simply not why we are here, is it! So embrace change. Spread your wings, take flight and explore!

For inspiration about change and wellbeing, listen to the new MatChat with Mina Podcast: “It’s not about the weight but what’s underneath” with Lori Aloisio.