I have to admit, when it comes to travelling and life in general, I’m quite happy being independent. But recently I had an experience that reminded me why we should plug into the power of the collective. I discovered five benefits of the group vibe!

My Norwegian grandmother taught me how to knit when I was a little girl, and I knitted into my twenties until family and work took over. Then, a couple of years ago, I decided to dust off my knitting needles and reconnect to my craft. I also wanted to learn something new, to challenge myself, but wouldn’t it be nice to be taught by someone and hang out with like-minded people?

What a surprise to see all the options when googling “knitting holidays”. I was clearly behind the curve! Why not go for it? And so this August I stepped off a plane, into wind and rain, on the Faeroe Islands, home to an ancient wool tradition. It was the start of one week of knitting workshops and excursions on 18 volcanic rocks in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, to be shared with a group of wool-loving ladies (and three partners/non-crafters including my husband who had brought his camera!).

As the days passed I found myself enjoying the group vibe more and more, leaning into the collective as we knitted and chatted, sharing life stories and skills. The simply awesome Katrine í Geil, a Faeroese master crafter., stoked the creative fire. Her kindness, patience, enthusiasm and warmth felt like being wrapped in a loving blanket. Each workshop grounding you that much more.

It made me reflect on the power of the collective. Humans are social animals at the core – we need each other for survival! Hasn’t the pandemic reminded us? We tend not to do well in isolation. The psychiatrist Carl Jung wrote about the “collective unconscious”, an idea that we all share a universal library of human knowledge, a sort of transcendental wisdom. In other words, we don’t need to feel alone.

What are the five benefits of the group vibe?

  • all the laughing!
  • solving problems
  • learning tips & tricks – shared wisdom
  • bonding – there is something profoundly soul-nurturing in sharing a common goal
  • the giving & receiving opens up the heart

So, when there is an opportunity to plug into the power of the collective, don’t hesitate!